About CVS
Providing program-level quality assurance
The Credential Validation Service (CVS) provides timely validation of programs of instruction to the colleges, which supports every college’s ability to respond swiftly to community and employer requirements.
The CVS service is consistent with the Ministry of Colleges and Universities Binding Policy Directive, Framework for Programs of Instruction. The mandate of the CVS, given by government includes:
- providing reasonable assurance that all programs of instruction, regardless of funding source, conform to the established Credentials Framework and are consistent with accepted college system nomenclature and/or program titling principles; and,
- maintaining the integrity of the credentials and protecting the interests of students and employers who require a reasonable guarantee of consistency and quality in Ontario’s programs of instruction.
We follow an outcomes-based credentialing model, which guarantees that colleges work to educate students in full accordance with pre-established outcomes required for each certificate, diploma and degree. The Credentials Framework represents the minimum provincial requirement for credentials awarded and applies to all programs of instruction, regardless of funding source. Outcomes are established through rigorous consultations and cooperation between the Ministry Colleges and Universities, industry, individual colleges and our organization.
CVS Process Overview
The CVS undertakes a thorough review of the applications for validation that are submitted by the colleges. This review ensures that the programs meet or exceed the expectations and requirements set out in government policy through the Minister’s Binding Policy Directive, Framework for Programs of Instruction. While our staff are not content experts, they bring their expertise in the area of program outcomes to bear on the review and validation process. The process of validation involves a number of ‘back-and-forth’ iterations with the colleges prior to the applications being validated. As well, staff of the CVS provide on-going training and orientation with college personnel to ensure full comprehension of the validation application process and the requirements thereof.
View program proposal resources for CVS
We hope this gives you a clear overview of what CVS is and what it does. If you want to learn more about the evolution of CVS, please click here. If you have any questions or feedback regarding CVS, please write to us at [email protected] or visit our team page to get in touch with us. We look forward to hearing from you and supporting your quality assurance needs.